
Got off work. Decided to have a manicure. My cuticles crack and bleed if I don't get them treated. So it's practically a medical necessity. And it's nice to have someone hold your hand when you've been doing most of the hand holding lately. I had to paid big money to park downtown because I couldn't get it together for work. I've been having that problem on Fridays. Parking ticket wouldn't scan. Had to go wake up the attendant. Realized I had left my bag at the nail place (which is actually called "The Nail Place"). Back in the blustery cold wind to retrieve. Had to run because you only have 10 minutes to get your car through the gate after you've validated your ticket. And I don't want to wake up the parking attendant again.

Get through downtown rush hour traffic on my way to East Nasty. Decide to call the hospital and check on mom. No phone. Seriously??? Searching, searching, searching. Seriously??? Do a u-y. Back in downtown rush hour traffic, which is mysteriously more plugged going in than going out. By this hour I can park on the street. Wake up the parking attendant again..."did I leave my phone here?" "No...what's going on...your bag and then your phone!" "I KNOW!" Back in the blustery blustery to The Nail Place, where they are laughing at me. "We don't want to see you again tonight!" (with Asian accent). 

Back toward East Nasty to get a lamp I need to return which I didn't have time to load in the morning because of my Friday-induced ineptness. Call the hospital. Mom has been released back to the nursing home. Spent the next I-don't-know-how-long in conversation with nursing home/hospital/nursing home clarifying med dosages/hospital doctor's orders versus nursing home doctor's orders resulting in an eventual "Oh, you're right" moment. Really, in a choice between everyone being on the same page or me getting to be "right," no contest on which gets my vote.

Mass texts to let everyone know where mom is. Take wrong interstate. Trying to find a good exit to turn around. Take airport exit. Seriously??? End up in a one way parking lot and have to take a ticket and circle around the airport to get out.

Ended up with two nice lamps, a decent dinner in Hillsboro Village, a good glass of wine, and an hour and a half conversation with an old friend whose salmon got cold. Wonder what kind of day he'd had?

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